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Apartments and rooms Bambina, Jakišnica  +385 (0)91 8933159  | 
Hrvatski English Deutsch Italiano
Hrvatski English Deutsch Italiano


Traffic connections of the island Pag, as well as Jakišnice, with the mainland are excellent. During season, ferries on the regular line mainland (Prizna) - island Pag (Žigljen) operate round-the-clock, while in the other part of the year, ferries operate15 times daily in both directions. Beside ferry, you can also reach the island Pag from the south side from mainland by Pag bridge. Numerous bus lines connect Novalja with almost all parts of Croatia, and everyday fast catamaran line connects it with the island Rab and town Rijeka. 

Ferry line | Timetable
Our adress:
Apartments and rooms Bambina
Jakišnica 336, 53294 Lun
Island of Pag, Croatia

GPS - Apartments and rooms Bambina:
N +44° 38' 35"  |  E +14° 46' 51"
Lat. 44.64313  |  Lon. 14.78084
Our location: